About Gibraltar Financial Intelligent Unit
The Gibraltar Financial Intelligence Unit (GFIU) was established in January 1996 to facilitate the receipt, analysis and dissemination of suspicious transaction reports or suspicious activity reports (STRs/ SARs) made by financial and other institutions in accordance with the Drug Trafficking Act 1995, Terrorism Act 2018, Gambling Act 2005 and Proceeds of Crime Act 2015.
It is currently staffed by officers from the Royal Gibraltar Police, HM Customs and the Civil Service. The GFIU functions in accordance with the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) Recommendations and Standards and is evaluated by the Council of Europe Committee of Experts on the Evaluation of Anti-Money Laundering Measures and the Financing of Terrorism (MONEYVAL).
The GFIU maintains a database of all the disclosures and other financial intelligence arising out of any enquiries conducted into them. The disclosures are allocated to law enforcement agencies such as the HM Customs Gibraltar, the Royal Gibraltar Police or other regulatory body for action. GFIU also provides feedback to financial institutions and through its outreach programme Project Nexus it aims to enhance awareness on money laundering, terrorist financing, human trafficking and proliferation of weapons of mass destruction. It also aims to improve working practices, increase communication fluidity and create a forum in order to keep abreast with current legislation, dynamic financial obligations and the evolving methods used by criminals and terrorists to launder money.
The GFIU’s Corporate Communication Strategy lays the foundation for a strategic approach to effective internal and external communications, and how we intend to implement it over the next three years. It provides a framework for achieving specific communication objectives and supports the implementation of a structured program which we expect will contribute to raising awareness on economic crime.
In July 2004, the GFIU was accepted as a full member of the worldwide Egmont Group of Financial Intelligence Units.
GFIU Corporate Communication Strategy

to gather, store, analyse and disseminate intelligence related to criminal conduct, (including but not limited to money laundering, the financing of terrorism and the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction), transacted or attempted to be transacted through relevant financial businesses;

to exchange information regarding criminal conduct with FIUs and other similar bodies and law enforcement agencies within and outside of Gibraltar;

to act as the recipient for disclosures of suspicious transactions under the relevant applicable legislation;

to consent or deny consent to suspicious transactions of which it has been notified, in accordance with POCA 2015.
Strategic Plan
The GFIU Strategic Plan for 2023-26 centres around four interconnected high-level priorities, known as the Four E's. These priorities embody our ambitions and outline our approach to achieving them. The plan is in response to emerging challenges and a proactive stance in anticipating future ones. It draws upon our evaluation of our previous strategic plan and on areas that required improvement. These priorities align with the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) Standards and reflect the positive outcomes resulting from the restructuring and effective management of our unit.
By leveraging data-driven insights we will navigate a transformative path, embracing flexibility and agility. With a focus on continuous improvement, collaboration, and adaptability, we hope to exceed benchmarks and surpass expectations. Our priorities encapsulate this spirit, enabling us to focus on delivering meaningful results.